WALT HEYER identified as a transgender woman for 8 years and now has a passion to help others who regret gender change. Walt travels extensively to share his story of redemption at conferences, churches and universities.

Walt has appeared on numerous radio and television shows in the U.S. and Canada. Walt’s articles have been published online and his many books are a welcome resource in understanding the issue.

The Movie — Who Am I

Walt’s latest venture is a feature film based on his remarkable story. It’s time to crowdfund the next step. Join in — visit the movie website and add your name to the interest list for updates and/or support the effort with a gift. Every dollar brings the movie closer to becoming reality!

The Movie Who Am I

Family Research Council Welcomes Walt Heyer as Senior Fellow


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Family Research Council announced today that Walt Heyer will be joining the organization as a Senior Fellow, bringing his powerful testimony and life story to assist those facing one of the most prominent lies of our age — a lie that goes to the core of our being and identity.

Read more

Contact Walt

An accomplished speaker, Walt travels extensively to share his story of redemption at conferences, churches and universities. Walt has appeared on many radio and television shows throughout the U.S. and Canada. Please email him to propose speaking opportunities.

Walt’s Story

Speaking at Churches

Churches benefit from learning how to respond to transgender people in their midst.

Here’s a sample of Walt’s message from Grace Chapel, Franklin TN:

Articles by Walt Heyer

Newsweek, January 25, 2024 by Walt Heyer
I Was ‘Trans’ for 8 Years

The Daily Wire, April 22, 2022
I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery. Here’s Why I Regret It (Daily Wire subscriber’s only)

USAToday, February 11, 2019 by Walt Heyer
Hormones, surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years — time I can’t get back

Washington Times, October 11, 2019 by Walt Heyer
Opposing legal efforts to redefine ‘sex’ as ‘gender identity’

Premier Christianity, October 9, 2019 by Walt Heyer
I regretted my transition to female. Hundreds of other trans people feel the same

More articles from TheFederalist.com, DailySignal.com, ThePublicDiscourse.com, The Washington Stand:

Fairfax County’s Trans Insanity – And How to Move beyond It.
March 28, 2024, The Washington Stand

The Tooth Fairy and Gender Dysphoria
January 23, 2024, The Washington Stand, with Jennifer Bauwens, Ph.D.

Why The Medical Definition Of ‘Gender Dysphoria’ Is A Get-Rich Scam, Not A Real Diagnosis
January 8, 2024, The Federalist, with Jennifer Bauwens, Ph.D.

A Message to Governor DeWine Regarding the Ohio SAFE Act: Sign It
December 23, 2023, The Washington Stand

Gender Dysphoria Is About Confusion. So Is Its Latest Claim for Disability Status.
December 19. 2023, The Washington Stand, with Jennifer Bauwens, Ph.D.

I Fell for the Deception of Trangenderism
April 14, 2023, The Daily Signal

The ‘Sex Change’ I Had 40 Years Ago Was A Scam, Not Medicine
March 23, 2023, The Federalist

I Know From Experience: Transgender Identities Devalue, Dehumanize, and Destroy
January 27, 2023, The Daily Signal

Gender Dysphoria and Adverse Childhood Experiences
April 27, 2022, Public Discourse

Performing ‘Sex-Change Procedures’ on Kids Is Child Abuse, Texas’ Attorney General Says. He’s Right, and I Should Know.
March 02, 2022, Daily Signal

Therapists Treat Dysphoria As A Trauma Symptom, Until It’s About Sex
February 17, 2022, The Federalist

3 Myths From Trans Folklorists That Allow Men Like Lia Thomas To Hurt Themselves And Others
February 3, 2022, The Federalist

All Adrian Wanted Was A Family. Transgender Doctors Left Him Despairing And Sterile
January 07, 2022, The Federalist

Wake Up, America: Cultural Marxism Is ‘Identifying’ as Transgenderism
January 05, 2022, Daily Signal

Cross-Sex Hormones Are Steroids and Addictive
December 03, 2021, Daily Signal

Inconvenient Truth: No One Actually Changes Gender, Only Persona
July 16, 2021, Daily Signal

How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From Going Transgender
June 30, 2021, The Federalist

How To Talk To Someone Struggling With Gender Confusion
April 20, 2021, The Federalist

I Know What Happens To The Kids in ‘Transhood’, Because It Happened To Me
February 5, 2021, The Federalist

It’s Not Just ‘Gender Dysphoria.’ It’s Now ‘Rapid Onset Marxism.’
January 26, 2021, Daily Signal

‘Sex Change’ Isn’t Surgically Possible, My Surgeon Testified in Court
February 21, 2020, Daily Signal

In The Past 5 Years, The Transgender Explosion Has Wounded More And More People
January 13, 2020, The Federalist

Pastor Jeff Looked at Me through the Eyes of God
November 18, 2019, ThePublicDiscourse.com

1 Year After Sex Change, This Teen Regrets His ‘Frankenstein Hack Job’
November 17, 2019, DailySignal.com

‘Batwoman’ Actress Ruby Rose Is Happy She Didn’t Transition to a Man
October 16, 2019, DailySignal.com

Diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria—Too General and Too Much Harm
August 7, 2019, ThePublicDiscourse.com

4 Trans People Beg For Help With Their Gender Identity Crises
July 8, 2019 – TheFederalist.com

14 Years After Becoming Transgender, Teacher Says ‘It Was A Mistake’
February 5, 2019 – TheFederalist.com

Mom Dresses Six-Year-Old Son As Girl, Threatens Dad With Losing His Son For Disagreeing
November 26, 2018 – TheFederalist.com

This Man Received 167 Sex-Change Surgeries. He Lives in a World of Regret.
January 12, 2018 – DailySignal.com

The Transgender Matrix: It’s Time to Choose the Red Pill
October 10, 2017 – ThePublicDiscourse.com

My ‘Sex Change’ Was a Myth. Why Trying to Change One’s Sex Will Always Fail.
August 23, 2017 – DailySignal.com

I Was Once Transgender. Why I Think Trump Made the Right Decision for the Military.
July 26, 2017 – DailySignal.com

Doctors Admit They Don’t Know Which Kids Should Gender Transition But Do It To Them Anyway
July 10, 2017 – TheFederalist.com

Bravo to the Truth: What’s Wrong with Transgender Ideology
April 27, 2017 – ThePublicDiscourse.com

Research Claiming Sex-Change Benefits Is Based On Junk Science
April 13, 2017 – TheFederalist.com

How The Trump Administration Can Truly Help Gender-Struggling Americans
January 12, 2017 – TheFederalist.com

A Nine-Year-Old Boy is Spreading a “Contagion of Mass Delusion”
January 5, 2017 – ThePublicDiscourse.com

The National Geographic Transgender Cover Champions Child Abuse And Junk Science
January 3, 2017 – TheFederalist.com

Pushing Kids Into Transgenderism Is Medical Malpractice
September 21, 2016 – TheFederalist.com

Drop the T from LGBT
April 21, 2016 – TheFederalist.com

Transgender Characters May Win Emmys, But Transgender People Hurt Themselves
September 22, 2015 – TheFederalist.com

Transgender Regret Is Real Even If The Media Tell You Otherwise
August 19, 2015 – TheFederalist.com

“Sex Change” Surgery: What Bruce Jenner, Diane Sawyer, and You Should Know
April 27, 2015 – The PublicDiscourse.com

Outlawing Psychotherapy For Trans-Kids Will Not Prevent Suicides
April 16, 2015 – TheFederalist.com

I Was a Transgender Woman
April 1, 2015 – ThePublicDiscourse.com

Rush Limbaugh Show

What an honor…
Rush Limbaugh devoted 30 minutes to talking about Walt in 2015. Read the transcript.

Books by Walt Heyer

Articles of Impeachment against Sex Change Surgery

55 articles written by an insider turned whistleblower, featuring first-person stories, medical studies, history and politics, formulate a compelling case against sex change surgery.

Trans Life Survivors

Read emails from 30 people who survived sex change and are making their way back. Includes latest research and a section on children.

A Transgender's Faith

Walt’s miracle story of restoration (previously published under the title Trading My Sorrows)

Paper Genders

Well-researched…Exposes and debunks the promises of gender change surgery  

Kid Dakota

A sensational novel based on a transgender person’s true story  

Perfected by Love

One church says “No” to a scary person. Another church says “Yes” and the results are truly inspiring.

Gender, Lies and Suicide

Digs into the issues behind transgender suicide and shares some heart-wrenching letters from those who regret  


Your contribution will help with expenses in providing this site, writing and speaking to spread the message of hope and restoration. Your gift is not tax-deductible. We are a self-funded organization.

Thank you for your interest and contribution!

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Videos featuring Walt Heyer

Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities — Epoch Times
Gender Transformation Documentary

Damaged–The Transing of America’s Kids
Daily Caller

Interview with Candace Owens

Interview with The Daily Signal

I Became Transgender. Here’s Why I Regret It.  Daily Wire+, 2.5M views

The Daily Signal, 10M views

I Want my Sex Back
Documentary by RT TelevisionView video

In His Image
Biblical full-length movie by American Family AssociationIn His Image movie
Full-length movie by Pure Passion Media

Regret is real—

SexChangeRegret.com can help.

Encouragement and hope for those who want to stop identifying as the opposite gender

Visit SexChangeRegret.com now.

Walt Heyer denounces white supremacy views.
See video